Saturday, October 22, 2016


Almost 20 % of our AFTER THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER kickstarter is funded!

Keep it up, cats.  The project is already finished, Alisha Costanzo and I are trying to sweeten the deal for everyone involved by paying our authors more, produce limited edition hardcovers, and adding commissioned artwork to the already 550+ page anthology featuring work from all over the world.

Here's an excerpt from WITCH v. HANSEL, GRETEL, et. al. by DANIELM. KIMMEL

In the instant case, Appellant Witch is a Delaware corporation formed in 1993. Under its articles of incorporation, the purposes of the corporation include the promulgation of its religious beliefs, including the baking and eating of “bad children.” Such children are defined as, but are not limited to, those who eat, in whole or part, the houses belonging to or maintained by members of said corporation. Under this reading, argues Appellant, punishing Witch for her actions is an act that is impermissible due to its infringement on her right to the “free exercise of religion.” Appellant argues that if said verdict is permitted to stand the courts will have embarked upon the slippery slope where placing curses, creating magical potions, or burying the heart of an enemy at the crossroads at midnight might be similarly questioned or prohibited.

Pledge today, and help us make magic and TRANSMUNDANE PRESS history.

The TRANSMUNDANE PRESS blog is live.  We're posting a lot of interesting content about myths, fairy tales, writing, projects and other fun stuff.  Check it out and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an entry or guest poster.


I'm still waiting on the results of prize 20 to come in, so that winner will be announced tomorrow.
Prizes 21 and 22:

7th SIGMA by Steven Gould:

Welcome to the territory. Leave your metal behind, all of it. The bugs will eat it, and they'll go right through you to get it…Don't carry it, don't wear it, and for god's sake don't come here if you've got a pacemaker.

The bugs showed up about fifty years ago--self-replicating, solar-powered, metal-eating machines. No one knows where they came from. They don't like water, though, so they've stayed in the desert Southwest. The territory. People still live here, but they do it without metal. Log cabins, ceramics, what plastic they can get that will survive the sun and heat. Technology has adapted, and so have the people.

Kimble Monroe has chosen to live in the territory. He was born here, and he is extraordinarily well adapted to it. He's one in a million. Maybe one in a billion.
In 7th Sigma, Gould builds an extraordinary SF novel of survival and personal triumph against all the odds.


 Charley sees dead people. That’s right, she sees dead people. And it’s her job to convince them to “go into the light.” But when these very dead people have died under less than ideal circumstances (i.e. murder), sometimes they want Charley to bring the bad guys to justice. Complicating matters are the intensely hot dreams she’s been having about an entity who has been following her all her life…and it turns out he might not be dead after all. In fact, he might be something else entirely.

Today, in memory of my friend CLAY OTIS, post music in the comments to enter for these prizes.  Anything goes, I just feel like dancing.

Cheers, cats.

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