Thursday, October 13, 2016


As many of you know, I also tend bar on Bourbon Street, New Orleans.  Season is picking up again out here, and I put in long hours.  This had hiccuped the daily posts as planned, so I apologize.  But, I mean to hold true to my pledge, so today's contest will cover both the 12th and 13th of October with two prizes for one winner.

Sorry about the missed post, but wearing many hats can be a juggling act, and sometimes one aspect of my life will gobble up the time usually allotted for others.  When I'm writing a novel, it's madness--as anyone close to me.

All right, enough of that and back to the contest:

Our winner for ALIENS VS. PREDATOR is Shannon Leahy! Congratulations! Zap me a mailing address, and I'll get the movie to ya when I mail the others soon.

Alisha and I almost have the AFTER THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER kickstarter ready.  It should be live in a few days, and we're excited to share the cover with you cats.  We also have a lot of raw and unreleased stories that we'll post as we inch closer to our goal.  I wrote several fan fictions (something I rarely do), and several of AFTER THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER's contributors have offered their own tales for this event.  If the project get fully funded, there are neat stretch goals, too.  One involves a short film in a bar with a unicorn.

And today's contest:


The 4th and 5th installment to the killer doll franchise seemed hokey to me when they first came out, so I missed them.  When I finally caught the films on AMC's monster movie marathon, I kicked myself.  They're great!  The right blend of comedy and horror.  These films are simply fun.

To enter for these prizes, we want to know what innocent things from childhood are scary and what is it about them that creeps you out?  Answer in the comments on this blog for your chance to win.

Good luck, freaks!


  1. Jennifer McGaha13 October, 2016 15:27

    Dolls. I loved them as a child, unless they were pad of porcelain. There was always something super creepy about the glass eyes. Real eyes don't shine like that.

  2. When I was a little girl, I would try to jump from my bedroom door to my bed without putting my feet on the ground because I thought a monster would come out from under my bed and grab my feet. Lol

  3. When I was a little girl, I would try to jump from my bedroom door to my bed without putting my feet on the ground because I thought a monster would come out from under my bed and grab my feet. Lol

  4. When I was little I was scared after I watch Friday the 13th with my dad and I went to bed and I saw a shadow of a knife on the wall so I hides my face under the covers, I new the movie wasn't real
